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Katalin Keddie
I'm Katalin Keddie. 45 years old. Six years ago, I switched to a whole new lifestyle. I was vegan and vegetarian when my migraines started. The doctor advised me to change my lifestyle which was a very difficult decision for me. My migraine was joined by my bilateral tinnitus and early menopause. I felt very bad, physically weak and had daily headaches and strong seizures. My nausea made me face a new lifestyle and start eating meat. I tried the Paleo lifestyle first and then came the keto. Currently I eat what I consider a natural food diet using ideas from Paleo, Keto, Low Carb, High Protein and with intermittent fasting. Through my recipes I want to inspire more people to dare to switch and to show that they don't have to worry about eating very good and tasty meals. However, beyond my recipes, I also share stories from my life with my blog, give you egg fasting ideas, make weekly dinner ideas, and always report on my weight loss. It became my slogan that this is a not a diet but a lifestyle. This is how we look at it because it changed our lives.